// Name: RoundedCorners.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: Type.registerNamespace('Sys.Extended.UI'); Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners = function() { throw Error.invalidOperation(); } Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.prototype = { None: 0x00, TopLeft: 0x01, TopRight: 0x02, BottomRight: 0x04, BottomLeft: 0x08, Top: 0x01 | 0x02, Right: 0x02 | 0x04, Bottom: 0x04 | 0x08, Left: 0x08 | 0x01, All: 0x01 | 0x02 | 0x04 | 0x08 } Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.registerEnum("Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners", true); Sys.Extended.UI.RoundedCornersBehavior = function(element) { // The RoundedCornersBehavior rounds the corners of its target element // "element" - DOM element associated with the behavior Sys.Extended.UI.RoundedCornersBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]); this._corners = Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.All; this._radius = 5; this._color = null; this._parentDiv = null; this._originalStyle = null; this._borderColor = null; this._isDirty = true; } Sys.Extended.UI.RoundedCornersBehavior.prototype = { initialize: function() { Sys.Extended.UI.RoundedCornersBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize'); this.update(); }, dispose: function() { this.disposeParentDiv(); Sys.Extended.UI.RoundedCornersBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose'); }, update: function() { // Create the surrounding div that will have rounded corners var e = this.get_element(); if(!e || !this._isDirty || this.get_isUpdating()) return; this.disposeParentDiv(); // This works with IE and latest versions of Chrome if(e.style.borderRadius != undefined) { e.style.borderRadius = this._radius + "px"; // if border color is not none then set // border style to solid and border width to 1px if(this._borderColor) { e.style.border = "solid"; e.style.borderWidth = "1px"; e.style.borderColor = this._borderColor; } else { e.style.border = "none"; e.style.borderWidth = "0"; } // if TopLeft corner is unchecked then Top left corner will not be round if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.TopLeft)) e.style.borderTopLeftRadius = "0"; // if BottomLeft corner is unchecked then Bottom left corner will not be round if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.BottomLeft)) e.style.borderBottomLeftRadius = "0"; // if TopRight corner is unchecked then Top right corner will not be round if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.TopRight)) e.style.borderTopRightRadius = "0"; // if BottomRight corner is unchecked then Bottom Right corner will not be round if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.BottomRight)) e.style.borderBottomRightRadius = "0"; } // This works with FireFox else if(e.style.MozBorderRadius != undefined) { e.style.MozBorderRadius = this._radius + "px"; // if border color is not none then set // border style to solid and border width to 1px if(this._borderColor) { e.style.border = "solid"; e.style.borderWidth = "1px"; e.style.borderColor = this._borderColor; } else { e.style.border = "none"; e.style.borderWidth = "0"; } // if TopLeft corner is unchecked then Top left corner will not be round if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.TopLeft)) e.style.MozBorderRadiusTopleft = "0"; // if BottomLeft corner is unchecked then Bottom left corner will not be round if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.BottomLeft)) e.style.MozBorderRadiusBottomleft = "0"; // if TopRight corner is unchecked then Top right corner will not be round if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.TopRight)) e.style.MozBorderRadiusTopright = "0"; // if BottomRight corner is unchecked then Bottom Right corner will not be round if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.BottomRight)) e.style.MozBorderRadiusBottomright = "0"; } // This works with older versions of google Chrome else if(e.style.WebkitBorderRadius != undefined) { e.style.WebkitBorderRadius = this._radius + "px"; // if border color is not none then set // border style to solid and border width to 1px if(this._borderColor) { e.style.border = "solid"; e.style.borderWidth = "1px"; e.style.borderColor = this._borderColor; } else { e.style.border = "none"; e.style.borderWidth = "0"; } // if TopLeft corner is unchecked then Top left corner will not be round if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.TopLeft)) e.style.WebkitBorderRadiusTopLeft = "0"; // if BottomLeft corner is unchecked then Bottom left corner will not be round if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.BottomLeft)) e.style.WebkitBorderRadiusBottomLeft = "0"; // if TopRight corner is unchecked then Top right corner will not be round if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.TopRight)) e.style.WebkitBorderRadiusTopRight = "0"; // if BottomRight corner is unchecked then Bottom Right corner will not be round if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.BottomRight)) e.style.WebkitBorderRadiusBottomRight = "0"; } // if browser does not support css3 then continue old way to make corners round else { var color = this.getBackgroundColor(), originalWidth = e.offsetWidth, newParent = e.cloneNode(false); // move all children into the new div. this.moveChildren(e, newParent); // modify the target element to be transparent // and set up the new parent this._originalStyle = e.style.cssText; e.style.backgroundColor = "transparent"; e.style.verticalAlign = "top"; e.style.padding = "0"; e.style.overflow = ""; e.style.className = ""; // Don't assume there is a numerical value for height. A height of "auto" is possible. if(e.style.height && e.style.height != "auto") // Increase the height to account for the rounded corners e.style.height = parseInt($common.getCurrentStyle(e, 'height')) + (this._radius * 2) + "px"; else // Note: Do NOT use $common.getCurrentStyle in the check below // because that breaks the work-around if(!e.style.width && (0 < originalWidth)) // The following line works around a problem where IE renders the first // rounded DIV about 6 pixels too high if e doesn't have a width or height e.style.width = originalWidth + "px"; // these are properties we don't want cloned down to the new parent newParent.style.position = ""; newParent.style.border = ""; newParent.style.margin = ""; newParent.style.width = "100%"; if((newParent.style.overflow == "") && ($common.getCurrentStyle(e, "overflow") == "visible")) // If the style of the target element has not been set inline, // and has not been set in a stylesheet to something other than "visible" // (which is the default), then set it to "auto", so that any child block elements // do not cause the rounded corner divs to display as separated from the target div newParent.style.overflow = "auto"; newParent.id = ""; newParent.removeAttribute("control"); if(this._borderColor) { newParent.style.borderTopStyle = "none"; newParent.style.borderBottomStyle = "none"; newParent.style.borderLeftStyle = "solid"; newParent.style.borderRightStyle = "solid"; newParent.style.borderLeftColor = this._borderColor; newParent.style.borderRightColor = this._borderColor; newParent.style.borderLeftWidth = "1px"; newParent.style.borderRightWidth = "1px"; if(this._radius == 0) { newParent.style.borderTopStyle = "solid"; newParent.style.borderBottomStyle = "solid"; newParent.style.borderTopColor = this._borderColor; newParent.style.borderBottomColor = this._borderColor; newParent.style.borderTopWidth = "1px"; newParent.style.borderBottomWidth = "1px"; } } else { newParent.style.borderTopStyle = "none"; newParent.style.borderBottomStyle = "none"; newParent.style.borderLeftStyle = "none"; newParent.style.borderRightStyle = "none"; } // build a set of steps on each end to fake the corners. // ------- (step 0) // -------- (step n-1) // --------- (step n) // XXXXXXXXX (inner div) // XXXXXXXXX // --------- (bottom step n) // -------- (bottom step n-1) // ------ (bottom step 0) var lastDiv = null, radius = this._radius, lines = this._radius, lastDelta = 0; for(var i = lines; i > 0; i--) { // figure out how much we'll need to subtract from each item var angle = Math.acos(i / radius), delta = radius - Math.round(Math.sin(angle) * radius); // build a 1 pixel tall div // that's delta pixels shorter on each end. // add the top one var newDiv = document.createElement("DIV"); newDiv.__roundedDiv = true; newDiv.style.backgroundColor = color; newDiv.style.marginLeft = delta + "px"; newDiv.style.marginRight = (delta - (this._borderColor ? 2 : 0)) + "px"; newDiv.style.height = "1px"; newDiv.style.fontSize = "1px"; // workaround for IE wierdness with 1px divs. newDiv.style.overflow = "hidden"; if(this._borderColor) { newDiv.style.borderLeftStyle = "solid"; newDiv.style.borderRightStyle = "solid"; newDiv.style.borderLeftColor = this._borderColor; newDiv.style.borderRightColor = this._borderColor; var offset = Math.max(0, lastDelta - delta - 1); newDiv.style.borderLeftWidth = (offset + 1) + "px"; newDiv.style.borderRightWidth = (offset + 1) + "px"; if(i == lines) { newDiv.__roundedDivNoBorder = true; newDiv.style.backgroundColor = this._borderColor; } } e.insertBefore(newDiv, lastDiv); var topDiv = newDiv; // add the bottom one one newDiv = newDiv.cloneNode(true); newDiv.__roundedDiv = true; e.insertBefore(newDiv, lastDiv); var bottomDiv = newDiv; lastDiv = newDiv; lastDelta = delta; if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.TopLeft)) { topDiv.style.marginLeft = "0"; if(this._borderColor) topDiv.style.borderLeftWidth = "1px"; } if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.TopRight)) { topDiv.style.marginRight = "0"; if(this._borderColor) { topDiv.style.borderRightWidth = "1px"; topDiv.style.marginRight = "-2px"; } } if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.BottomLeft)) { bottomDiv.style.marginLeft = "0"; if(this._borderColor) bottomDiv.style.borderLeftWidth = "1px"; } if(!this.isCornerSet(Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.BottomRight)) { bottomDiv.style.marginRight = "0"; if(this._borderColor) { bottomDiv.style.borderRightWidth = "1px"; bottomDiv.style.marginRight = "-2px"; } } } // finally, add the newParent (which has all the original content) // into the div. e.insertBefore(newParent, lastDiv); this._parentDiv = newParent; this._isDirty = false; } }, disposeParentDiv: function() { // Dispose the surrounding div with rounded corners if(this._parentDiv) { // clean up the divs we added. var e = this.get_element(), children = e.childNodes; for(var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var child = children[i]; if(child) { if(child == this._parentDiv) this.moveChildren(child, e); try { e.removeChild(child); } catch(e) { // Safari likes to throw NOT_FOUND_ERR (DOMException 8) // but it seems to work fine anyway. } } } // restore the original style if(this._originalStyle) { e.style.cssText = this._originalStyle; this._originalStyle = null; } this._parentDiv = null; } }, /// /// Returns the background color of the target element /// /// String contains the color of the target element /// getBackgroundColor: function() { if(this._color) return this._color; return $common.getCurrentStyle(this.get_element(), 'backgroundColor'); }, moveChildren: function(src, dest) { // Move the child nodes from one element to another // "src" - DOM Element // "dest" - DOM Element var moveCount = 0; while(src.hasChildNodes()) { var child = src.childNodes[0]; child = src.removeChild(child); dest.appendChild(child); moveCount++; } return moveCount; }, /// /// Checks whether a flag for this corner has been set /// /// Corner to check /// True if the corner has been set; otherwise, false /// isCornerSet: function(corner) { return (this._corners & corner) != Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners.None; }, /// /// Sets a corner as one that should be rounded /// /// Corner to set /// True to set the value, false to clear it /// setCorner: function(corner, value) { if(value) this.set_corners(this._corners | corner); else this.set_corners(this._corners & ~corner); }, /// /// A string that contains the background color of the rounded corner areas /// /// /// By default, this property gets the background color of the panel that it is attached to /// /// get_color /// set_color /// get_color: function() { return this._color; }, set_color: function(value) { if(value != this._color) { this._color = value; this._isDirty = true; this.update(); this.raisePropertyChanged('color'); } }, get_Color: function() { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("get_Color()", "get_color()"); return this.get_color(); }, set_Color: function(value) { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("set_Color(value)", "set_color(value)"); this.set_color(value); }, /// /// An integer value that specifies the radius of the corners (and the height of the added area). The default is 5 /// The default is 5 /// /// get_radius /// set_radius /// get_radius: function() { return this._radius; }, set_radius: function(value) { if(value != this._radius) { this._radius = value; this._isDirty = true; this.update(); this.raisePropertyChanged('radius'); } }, get_Radius: function() { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("get_Radius()", "get_radius()"); return this.get_radius(); }, set_Radius: function(value) { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("set_Radius(value)", "set_radius(value)"); this.set_radius(value); }, /// /// A Sys.Extended.UI.BoxCorners object that specifies which corners should be rounded /// /// get_corners /// set_corners /// get_corners: function() { return this._corners; }, set_corners: function(value) { if(value != this._corners) { this._corners = value; this._isDirty = true; this.update(); this.raisePropertyChanged("corners"); } }, get_Corners: function() { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("get_Corners()", "get_corners()"); return this.get_corners(); }, set_Corners: function(value) { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("set_Corners(value)", "set_corners(value)"); this.set_corners(value); }, /// /// A string that contains the color of the border and therefore of the rounded corners /// /// get_borderColor /// set_borderColor /// get_borderColor: function() { return this._borderColor; }, set_borderColor: function(value) { if(value != this._borderColor) { this._borderColor = value; this._isDirty = true; this.update(); this.raisePropertyChanged("borderColor"); } }, get_BorderColor: function() { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("get_BorderColor()", "get_borderColor()"); return this.get_borderColor(); }, set_BorderColor: function(value) { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("set_BorderColor(value)", "set_borderColor(value)"); this.set_borderColor(value); } } Sys.Extended.UI.RoundedCornersBehavior.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.RoundedCornersBehavior', Sys.Extended.UI.BehaviorBase);