// Name: DynamicPopulate.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: Type.registerNamespace('Sys.Extended.UI'); Sys.Extended.UI.DynamicPopulateBehavior = function(element) { // The DynamicPopulateBehavior replaces the contents of an element with the result of a web service or page method call. // The method call returns a string of HTML that is inserted as the children of the target element. // [element] is DOM Element the behavior is associated with. Sys.Extended.UI.DynamicPopulateBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]); this._servicePath = location.pathname; this._serviceMethod = null; this._contextKey = null; this._cacheDynamicResults = false; this._populateTriggerID = null; this._setUpdatingCssClass = null; this._clearDuringUpdate = true; this._customScript = null; this._clickHandler = null; this._callID = 0; this._currentCallID = -1; this._populated = false; } Sys.Extended.UI.DynamicPopulateBehavior.prototype = { initialize: function() { Sys.Extended.UI.DynamicPopulateBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize'); $common.prepareHiddenElementForATDeviceUpdate(); if(this._populateTriggerID) { var populateTrigger = $get(this._populateTriggerID); if(populateTrigger) { this._clickHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onPopulateTriggerClick); $addHandler(populateTrigger, "click", this._clickHandler); } } }, dispose: function() { if(this._populateTriggerID && this._clickHandler) { var populateTrigger = $get(this._populateTriggerID); if(populateTrigger) $removeHandler(populateTrigger, "click", this._clickHandler); this._populateTriggerID = null; this._clickHandler = null; } Sys.Extended.UI.DynamicPopulateBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose'); }, /// /// Uses dymanic content to populate the target element. /// /// /// If an element to populate is in a data-bound repeating control, the contextKey parameter can be an ID of the current row. /// /// A string to pass to the Web service method or page method. /// populate: function(contextKey) { // An arbitrary string value to be passed to the web method. For example, if the element to be populated is within a data-bound repeater, this could be the ID of the current row. if(contextKey) this._contextKey = contextKey; if(this._populated && this._cacheDynamicResults) return; if(this._currentCallID == -1) { var eventArgs = new Sys.CancelEventArgs(); this.raise_populating(eventArgs); if(eventArgs.get_cancel()) return; this._setUpdating(true); } if(this._customScript) { var scriptResult = eval(this._customScript); this._setTargetHtml(scriptResult); this._setUpdating(false); } else { this._currentCallID = ++this._callID; if(!this._servicePath || !this._serviceMethod) return; Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy.invoke(this._servicePath, this._serviceMethod, false, { contextKey: (contextKey ? contextKey : this._contextKey) }, Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMethodComplete), Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMethodError), this._currentCallID); $common.updateFormToRefreshATDeviceBuffer(); } }, _onMethodComplete: function(result, userContext, methodName) { // Callback used when the populating service returns successfully if(userContext != this._currentCallID) return; this._setTargetHtml(result); this._setUpdating(false); }, _onMethodError: function(webServiceError, userContext, methodName) { // Callback used when the populating service fails if(userContext != this._currentCallID) return; if(webServiceError.get_timedOut()) this._setTargetHtml(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.DynamicPopulate_WebServiceTimeout); else this._setTargetHtml(String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.DynamicPopulate_WebServiceError, webServiceError.get_statusCode())); this._setUpdating(false); }, _onPopulateTriggerClick: function() { this.populate(this._contextKey); }, _setUpdating: function(updating) { // Toggle the display elements to indicate if they are being updated or not // updating - Whether or not the display should indicated it is being updated this.setStyle(updating); if(!updating) { this._currentCallID = -1; this._populated = true; this.raise_populated(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty); } }, _setTargetHtml: function(value) { var e = this.get_element() if(e) { if(e.tagName == "INPUT") e.value = value; else e.innerHTML = value; } }, /// /// Sets the dislpayed style. /// /// A Boolean value that specifies whether the display is being updated. /// setStyle: function(updating) { // Set the style of the display // updating - Whether or not the display is being updated var e = this.get_element(); if(this._setUpdatingCssClass) { if(!updating) { e.className = this._oldCss; this._oldCss = null; } else { this._oldCss = e.className; e.className = this._setUpdatingCssClass; } } if(updating && this._clearDuringUpdate) this._setTargetHtml(""); }, /// /// A Boolean value that specifies whether or the target content should be cleared when the update begins. /// /// get_clearContentsDuringUpdate /// set_clearContentsDuringUpdate /// get_clearContentsDuringUpdate: function() { return this._clearDuringUpdate; }, set_clearContentsDuringUpdate: function(value) { if(this._clearDuringUpdate != value) { this._clearDuringUpdate = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('clearContentsDuringUpdate'); } }, get_ClearContentsDuringUpdate: function() { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("get_ClearContentsDuringUpdate", "get_clearContentsDuringUpdate"); return this.get_clearContentsDuringUpdate(); }, set_ClearContentsDuringUpdate: function(value) { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("set_ClearContentsDuringUpdate", "set_clearContentsDuringUpdate"); this.set_clearContentsDuringUpdate(value); }, /// /// A string to pass to the Web method. /// /// get_contextKey /// set_contextKey /// get_contextKey: function() { // An arbitrary string value to be passed to the web method. // For example, if the element to be populated is within a // data-bound repeater, this could be the ID of the current row. return this._contextKey; }, set_contextKey: function(value) { if(this._contextKey != value) { this._contextKey = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('contextKey'); } }, get_ContextKey: function() { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("get_ContextKey", "get_contextKey"); return this.get_contextKey(); }, set_ContextKey: function(value) { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("set_ContextKey", "set_contextKey"); this.set_contextKey(value); }, /// /// TA name of an element that can be clicked to trigger the target element population. /// /// get_populateTriggerID /// set_populateTriggerID /// get_populateTriggerID: function() { // Name of an element that triggers the population of the target when clicked return this._populateTriggerID; }, set_populateTriggerID: function(value) { if(this._populateTriggerID != value) { this._populateTriggerID = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('populateTriggerID'); } }, get_PopulateTriggerID: function() { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("get_PopulateTriggerID", "get_populateTriggerID"); return this.get_populateTriggerID(); }, set_PopulateTriggerID: function(value) { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("set_PopulateTriggerID", "set_populateTriggerID"); this.set_populateTriggerID(value); }, /// /// The Web service URL to call. /// /// /// This property is optional. If the ServicePath property is not set, a page method is invoked instead of a Web service. /// /// get_servicePath /// set_servicePath /// get_servicePath: function() { return this._servicePath; }, set_servicePath: function(value) { if(this._servicePath != value) { this._servicePath = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('servicePath'); } }, get_ServicePath: function() { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("get_ServicePath", "get_servicePath"); return this.get_servicePath(); }, set_ServicePath: function(value) { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("set_ServicePath", "set_servicePath"); this.set_servicePath(value); }, /// /// The method name to call on the Web service or a page. /// /// get_serviceMethod /// set_serviceMethod /// get_serviceMethod: function() { // The signature of the method must exactly match the following: // [WebMethod] // string DynamicPopulateMethod(string contextKey) { // .... // } return this._serviceMethod; }, set_serviceMethod: function (value) { if(this._serviceMethod != value) { this._serviceMethod = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('serviceMethod'); } }, get_ServiceMethod: function() { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("get_ServiceMethod", "get_serviceMethod"); return this.get_serviceMethod(); }, set_ServiceMethod: function(value) { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("set_ServiceMethod", "set_serviceMethod"); this.set_serviceMethod(value); }, /// /// A Boolean value that specifies whether or not the results of the target /// element population should be cached and not fetched again after the first load. /// /// get_cacheDynamicResults /// set_cacheDynamicResults /// get_cacheDynamicResults: function() { return this._cacheDynamicResults; }, set_cacheDynamicResults: function(value) { if(this._cacheDynamicResults != value) { this._cacheDynamicResults = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('cacheDynamicResults'); } }, /// /// The name of the CSS class to apply to the target during asynchronous calls. /// /// get_updatingCssClass /// set_updatingCssClass /// get_updatingCssClass: function() { return this._setUpdatingCssClass; }, set_updatingCssClass: function(value) { if(this._setUpdatingCssClass != value) { this._setUpdatingCssClass = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('updatingCssClass'); } }, get_UpdatingCssClass: function() { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("get_UpdatingCssClass", "get_updatingCssClass"); return this.get_updatingCssClass(); }, set_UpdatingCssClass: function(value) { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("set_UpdatingCssClass", "set_updatingCssClass"); this.set_updatingCssClass(value); }, /// /// The script to invoke instead of calling a Web service or page method. /// /// get_customScript /// set_customScript /// get_customScript: function() { // The script to invoke instead of calling a Web or Page method. This script must evaluate to a string value. return this._customScript; }, set_customScript: function(value) { if(this._customScript != value) { this._customScript = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('customScript'); } }, get_CustomScript: function() { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("get_CustomScript", "get_customScript"); return this.get_customScript(); }, set_CustomScript: function(value) { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("set_CustomScript", "set_customScript"); this.set_customScript(value); }, /// /// Fires when populating starts. /// /// /// add_populating: function(handler) { this.get_events().addHandler('populating', handler); }, remove_populating: function(handler) { this.get_events().removeHandler('populating', handler); }, raise_populating: function(eventArgs) { var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('populating'); if(handler) handler(this, eventArgs); }, raisePopulating: function(eventArgs) { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("raisePopulating(eventArgs)", "raise_populating(eventArgs)"); this.raise_populating(eventArgs); }, /// /// Fires when populating ends. /// /// /// add_populated: function(handler) { this.get_events().addHandler('populated', handler); }, remove_populated: function(handler) { this.get_events().removeHandler('populated', handler); }, raise_populated: function(eventArgs) { var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('populated'); if(handler) handler(this, eventArgs); }, raisePopulated: function(eventArgs) { Sys.Extended.Deprecated("raisePopulated(eventArgs)", "raise_populated(eventArgs)"); this.raise_populated(eventArgs); } } Sys.Extended.UI.DynamicPopulateBehavior.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.DynamicPopulateBehavior', Sys.Extended.UI.BehaviorBase);