// Name: ComponentSet.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: Sys.ComponentSet = function ComponentSet(elementSet, query, index) { this._elementSet = elementSet || (elementSet = new Sys.ElementSet()); this._components = this._execute(elementSet, query, index); } Sys.ComponentSet.prototype = { __class: true, setProperties: function ComponentSet$setProperties(properties) { // Sets properties on the matched components. // "properties" - object with the names and values of the properties to set. return this.each(function() { Sys._set(this, properties); }); }, get: function ComponentSet$get(index) { // Returns the component at the specified index, or an array of all matches if not specified. var components = this._components; return (typeof (index) === "undefined") ? (Array.apply(null, components)) : (components[index || 0] || null); }, each: function ComponentSet$each(callback) { // Enumerate all the found components. The index of the component are passed as parameters to a callback. You may return 'false' to cancel the enumeration. // "callback" - function called for each component. foreach(this._components, function(c, i) { if(callback.call(c, i) === false) return true; }); return this; }, elements: function ComponentSet$elements() { // Returns the underlying set of elements this component collection came from. return this._elementSet; }, _execute: function ComponentSet$_execute(elementSet, query, index) { var components = []; function match(c) { var ctor; return (c instanceof query) || ((ctor = c.constructor) && ( (ctor === query) || (ctor.inheritsFrom && ctor.inheritsFrom(query)) || (ctor.implementsInterface && ctor.implementsInterface(query)))); } if(query instanceof Array) components.push.apply(components, query); else // query is a type or not set elementSet.each(function() { var c = this.control; if(c && (!query || match(c))) components.push(c); foreach(this._behaviors, function(b) { if(!query || match(b)) components.push(b); }); }); if((typeof (index) !== "undefined")) { if(components[index]) components = [components[index]]; else components = []; } return components; } }