Upcoming Events

Institute Professor Subject Date Start Time Duration Remark
NIT- Raipur Dr. himardri Chattopadhya, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mishra NWRTB-14 11-09-2014 09:30 AM 8:30 Hrs Workshop on Recent Trends in the field of Bio mechanics: Application to Device Development and Surgery Issues from 11th Sep 2014 to 13 Sep 2014
Institute Professor Subject Date Start Time Duration Remark
NIT- Raipur Member's of LA SALLE,BURO DAP AND CET INDIA 2014 16-04-2014 01:00 PM 5:00 Hrs Academic workshop for Civil and Architecture Department by LA SALLE UNIVERSITY Bogota Colombia,CET and BURO DAP
Institute Professor Subject Date Start Time Duration Remark
NIT- Raipur Dr.Ekta khandelwal,AIIms Raipur CG Role of research in bio-medical engineering. 04-04-2014 03:00 PM 2:00 Hrs All the interested faculty member are invited to attend the expert lecture on the above mention date and time.


Institute Professor Subject Date Start Time Duration Remark
IIT- Madras Prof.Doble Mukesh DC MEETING 25/03/2014 01:45 PM 4:15 Hrs Department of Biotechnology dc Meeting