Guest Speaker

Prof. Rajeev Tripathi

MNNIT Allahabad, India


Prof. Rajeev Tripathi received his B.Tech from the University of Allahabad in 1986, M. Tech in 1992 and PhD in 1998. He became a faculty member at MNNIT Allahabad in 1988 and has been a professor since 2005. From 2002 to 2004, he was professor in St. Augustine in Trinidad (WI) at the University of the West Indies. In 1998 and 1999 he visited the faculty at the University of Liverpool John Moorse, U.K. He has vast administrative experience at MNNIT Allahabad, as well as vast teaching and research expertise of almost 30 years. From 1998 to 2000, he served as Vice-President Gymkhana, Faculty In-Charge Communications, Coordinator, Quality Improvement Program (QIP) from 2005 to 2016, Chairman, Senate Post Graduate Committee from 2005 to 2009, Dean, Academic Affairs from 2009 to 2011, Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 2011 to 2013, and Professor In-Charge, Training and Placement from 2013 to 2015. Prof. Tripathi contributed pioneeringly to research and tackled a number of significant issues. He has produced more than 190 articles and mentored 19 doctoral students in international publications and conferences. He worked closely with the both government and business on a number of issues and has successfully conducted and completed major national and international projects and programmes. The sponsored project under the Indo-United Nations Science and Technology Research Fund by the Indian Government and the British Govt. and the sponsored project under the Ministry of Human Resources Development in the Government of India are also important. He is a well-known teacher and mentor, whom has a great number of pupils, and yet also motivates and mentors the ingenuity of many students and the operational processes which have been unique accomplishments. Prof. Tripathi has pioneered experts at the Institute level and has visited various nations in this regard. The University of Waterloo (UoW), Waterloo (UW), Canadian, Spanish, United States, etc., is a major university of interest among which are Liverpool John Moorse University, Liverpool, the United Kingdom, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad (WI), Barbado campus University of West Indies. Prof. Tripathi worked as reviewer of many international journals including IEEE Communication Letters, Adhoc Networks, Elsevier, Wireless Personal Communication Springer, International Journal of Electronics, Taylor and Francis, IETE Journal of Research, Taylor and Francis and West Indian Journal of Engineering. He has organized many international conferences in the capacity of conference chair and co-chair and served as program committee of several international conferences of repute in the area of wireless communication and networking. Prof. Tripathi is a senior member of IEEE, USA, Life Fellow of Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), India, Life Member of Institution of Engineers (IE), India, Life Member of Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE), India and Life Member of Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), India.

Title of the Talk: Research and advancement in communication technology