Keynote Speaker

Prof. David Mark Harvey

Liverpool John Moores University, UK general-engineering-research-institute/david-harvey

David Mark Harvey received the BSc (Hons) and PhD degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Liverpool Polytechnic, Liverpool, UK in 1979 and 1984 respectively. From 1983 to 1984 he was Principal Electronics Design Engineer at Kratos Analytical Instruments, Manchester, UK, and from 1984 to 1985 Principal Electronics Engineer at Plessey Crypto, Liverpool, UK. In 1985 he joined Liverpool Polytechnic, now Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) where he has been a Professor of Electronic Engineering since 2003. In 2021 he was conferred Emeritus Professor at LJMU in order to concentrate on research. He was the Director of two large Technology Transfer projects funded to €10M; The Electronic Design and Manufacturing (EDAM) Centre at LJMU from 1996 to 2001, and The Engineering Development Centre (EDC) at LJMU from 2002 to 2008. All research work has an industrial bias and the graduates produced have entered industry in the electronics sector. Of four recent PhD graduates, one is European validation manager for a large multinational automotive electronics company, one is working in product validation at Intel in Penang, a third entered Cambridge Silicon Radio (now Qualcomm), and a forth is teaching at a university in India.. In the past he has helped set up two engineering design centres in India.
His research has been concerned with design and test of electronic instrumentation and optical metrology systems. His recent focus has been on the non-destructive evaluation of manufactured automotive electronics using novel techniques, and on the reliable design of smart furniture for care homes.
Professor Harvey is a Fellow of The Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK, and Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council UK.

Title of the Talk: Practical Use of Nanotechnology for more Reliable Electronics Interconnections

Abstract of the Talk: The talk will briefly present some actions and results from the COP26 Trilateral Research Initiative Go-GREEN: Next Generation Solder Materials for Power Electronics and Green Electric Transport. One of only four COP26 projects funded by The British Council in Japan this tripartite project had partners UniMAP from Malaysia, Gumma University from Japan and Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) from UK.
Next some results from collaborators working on nanoparticles in solder will be presented. This leading work has investigated the sizes and effects of nanoparticles in different solders, and how they can help improve connection strength and reliability. A range of examples will be presented including silver nanoparticles in Sn58Bi solder, and tungsten nanoparticles in Sn58Bi solder. Interesting findings on solder joint nanostructures and how they may change through aging and electromigration will be discussed.
Finally to demonstrate that nanotechnology was evident but not understood in 4th Century AD an amazing discovery will be revealed!