
7th Students' Conference on Engineering & Systems (SCES-2022)
Conference Record#55490

July 1-3, 2022

Please Click here for paper submission information.(Submission Closed)

Theme:Technology and Innovations for Global Sustainability

The Department of Electrical Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad has successfully organized six successive student conference’s titled: “Students’ Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES-2012, SCES-2013, SCES-2014, SCES-2015, SCES-2019 & SCES-2020)”, which were technically sponsored by the IEEE Uttar Pradesh section and co-sponsored by the IEEE Joint Society Chapter of IE/PEL/CS (Industrial Electronics /Power Electronics /Control System).

Department is organizing the seventh sequel conference of SCES to motivate student scholars working in the area of Engineering and Systems. The conference will focus on the emerging areas in the field of Power, Energy & Control, Electronics, Communication & Signal Processing, Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning, Mechanical Systems and Mechatronics, Applied Sciences, etc. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for research students to present original work done by them which leads to sharing of knowledge at a highly technical platform.

The safety and well-being of conference participants is our priority. Therefore, SCES-2022 will be organized as a VIRTUAL Conference on Microsoft Teams. The information about the virtual/online platform will be confirmed soon.

The student researchers and academicians from various reputed institutes will be invited for presentations, deliberations, and discussions. It is proposed to have a 3-day program during July 01– 03, 2022. The technical program will comprise of keynote sessions, tutorials from academic and industry experts and involve students’ research oral and poster presentations, technical exhibitions etc.

Registration Fees

Category Participants From
India (INR)
Participants From
Other Countries (USD)
IEEE Student Member 3200 + 576 (GST@18 %) = 3776 150
Non-IEEE Student Member 4000 + 720 (GST@18 %) = 4720 200
All other IEEE Members 4800 + 864 (GST@18 %) = 5664 200
All other Non-IEEE Members 6000 +1080 (GST@18 %) = 7080 250

Sponsorship Opportunities

Category Sponsorship Fee
Platinum ₹ 1,00,000.00
Diamond ₹ 50,000.00
Gold ₹ 25,000.00
Silver ₹ 15,000.00

Important Dates

Paper Submission Opens January 25, 2022
Paper Submission deadline March 01, 2022 March 20,2022 April 05,2022 April 25,2025*
Paper acceptance notification May 31, 2022 June 05, 2022
Submission of final paper with registration June 10, 2022June 25, 2020

* The papaer submission has been closed.However,interested authors can submit manuscript till 30/04/2022

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