

  • Pickup services from nearest Airport, Bamrouli Airport and Allahabad Railway Station.The services can also be availed from Varanasi(Travel Time:3 Hours) and Lucknow(Travel Time:5 Hours) Airport.
  • Auditorium and Lecture halls, fully equipped with latest multimedia and Wi-Fi for Pre-Placement Talks(PPTs), Workshops, tests etc.
  • Facility of Tele Conferencing, Video Conferencing and online interviews .
  • Seminar and Conference rooms for Group discussions and Personal Interviews are available with all the equipments.
  • On-campus free of cost accommodation with moderate facilities in EDC Guest House for the recruiting panel (subject to availability). However there are also good hotels with modern facilities for the recruiting team.
  • Access to all student profiles via a highly efficient and effective Students' Placement Portal.
  • Complete assistance by the student coordinators at each level of placement process.
  • Highly motivated and experienced staff to synchronise the whole process.