EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS Solar Energy Materials, Solid State Gas Sensors, Nanostructured Thin Films, Functional Oxide Nanomaterials, Carrier Transport in Thin Films, Energy Storage Devices, Supercapacitor, Magnetic and Multiferroic materials, Laser Produced...
The major laboratories in department are as follows- S. No. Name of the Laboratory Name of O.C. 1.windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 25.6pt;" width="342"> CAD Lab. Dr. Ajay Kr. Mandrawalia 2. Environmental Engineering Lab. Dr. Kanika Saxena1pt...
B.Tech. Programme: B.Tech (Electronics & Communication Engineering) M.Tech. Programmes: M.Tech. (Communication Systems) M.Tech. (Signal Processing)url('http://www.mnnit.ac.in/templates/mnnit_svnit38_gradient/images/postbullets.png'); background-repeat:...
B.Tech. Programme: B.Tech-Biotechnology ( as per NEP2020): for students admitted in academic session 2022-23 and subsequent sessions. B. Tech Syllabus ( OLD)no-repeat;"> B. Tech Syllabus ( NEW) M.Tech. Programmes: M.Tech Syllabus (OLD) M. Tech. Syllabus...
Objectives and Members of the Cell Grievance Cell is constituted for redressal of the grievances of faculty, staff & students. Meeting of the cells is conducted regularly to examine the grievances of faculty, staff & student, received and the Cell...
Complete Syllabus 1st to 2nd semesters please click here Complete Syllabus 3rd to 8th semesters please click here Course structure for I and II semester is common for all B. Tech programmes. SEMESTER I Code Subjectpadding: 0in 5.4pt;" valign="top"> L T...
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Prayagraj - 211004, INDIA Telephone No.: 91-0532-2545404, 2545407 Fax No.: 91-0532-2545341 Email: secretary@mnnit.ac.in Telephone Directory (Click Here)
Final round of Recruitment of Non Faculty Officer Posts of the Institute made available through advertisement No. 01/2022, dated May 19, 2022 has started. Kindly remain in touch with your portal login and e-mail for further communications. No postal...
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) Co-ordinator : Please refer to the Website: www.ignou.ac.in Contact Phone Number : 0532-2271379 Fax : 2545341,2545677 Address: IGNOU Desgin Centre, MNNIT Allahabad – 211004
Four week self financed summer training program on “ VLSI Design and Embedded Systems (VDES-2022) ” organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering from 13 th June to 12 th July 2022. [ Click here for Application Form ] A Four Week...
The Institute provides modernized Lecture Halls, well equipped departmental Labs, seminar room, computer centre and Library in support of smooth running of classes of various M.Tech/M.B.A. (Part- Time) programs, Faculty Development programs,...
"Revised Price Bid Opening Schedule” against NCB # TEQIP-III/2020/mnni/16 for Procurement of High Performance Computing Equipment. List of the Responsive and Non-Responsive Bidder against NCB # TEQIP-III/2020/mnni/16 for Procurement of High Performance...
TECHNO-COMMERCIAL COMPERATIVE STATEMENT against 129/TEQIP-III/2019-20 dated: 22.07.2019 (TEQIP-III/mnni/13 for Procurement of High Performance Computing Equipment). PROCUREMENT CANCELLATION NOTICE against 129/TEQIP-III/2019-20 dated: 22.07.2019...
B.Tech (Computer Science Engineering) programme: Course Curriculum and Syllabus POs and PEOs B.Tech (Information Technology) programme: Course Curriculum and Syllabus POs and PEOs M.C.A. programme: Course Curriculum and Syllabus POs and PEOs B.Tech (Old...
Please feel free to contact for more details Dr. Manish Gupta Faculty In-charge Institute Industry Interaction Cell MNNIT, Allahabad Email: mgupta @mnnit.ac.in Ph No :!important; list-style: disc outside none !important; overflow: hidden !important;...
GIAN Portal (www.gian.iitkgp.ac.in) List of Programme Scheduled at MNNIT Allahabad List of Programme Organised at MNNIT Allahabad
S.No. Program Name Brochure Start Date End Date#b5b5b5; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 10.625px; height: 8.2pt; background-color: transparent;" align="left" valign="top"> 1 Smart Power Grid-Operation and Control: Use of PMUS Download 09...
Complete Syllabus 1st to 2nd semesters please click here Complete Syllabus 3rd to 8th semesters please click here Course structure for I and II semester is common for all B. Tech programmes. SEMESTER I Code Subjectcurrentcolor; width: 27px; padding: 0in...
1. Event list for intra college. 2. Intra college schedule for meet. 3. Notice for Athletic meet. 4. Prize money notice in meet. 5. Rules for meet.
सृजन वार्षिक पत्रिका -2013 सृजन वार्षिक पत्रिका -2012 हिंदी त्रैमासिक पत्रिका "background-position: initial; background-repeat: initial;" lang="HI"> संगम" खंड- ०१ , अंक - ०१ ( अप्रैल - जून , २०१२) खंड- ०१ , अंक - ०२ ( जुलाई - सितम्बर ,...
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