Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
IIT- Roorkee | Prof.Korydon Smith, Dr. Gaurav Raheja | GIAN:UNIVERSAL DESIGN & ACCESSIBILITY PLANNING an interdisciplinary approach to inclusive environmen | 22-01-2018 | 10:00 AM | 7:00 Hrs | 7 days course under GIAN at IIT Roorkee VCR (91197293) on GIAN program:"UNIVERSAL DESIGN & ACCESSIBILITY PLANNING an interdisciplinary approach to inclusive environment" which is being organized from January 22-28, 2018 by Department of Architecture & Planning, IIT Roorkee on 22/01/2018 starting from10:00AM-05:00PM. |
Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark | |
IIT- Roorkee | Dr.Brajesh Kumar Kaushik | Workshop on EDS | 14-12-2017 | 11:00 AM | 2:00 Hrs | 1 day workshop on IEEE Election Device Society(EDS) organized by E&CE Deppt., IIT Roorkee from 14/12/2017 at 11:00AM-01:00PM. |
Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark | |
NIT- Jalandhar | Dr Shailendra Bajpai | Chemical Process Safety and Hazards Management"(CPSHM-2017) | 20-11-2017 | 09:30 AM | 6:00 Hrs | 05 days GIAN program from 20.11.2017 to 24.11.2017 will be hosted at NIT- Jalandhar, on 20/11/2017 starting from 09:00 AM for 6.00 Hrs. |

Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark | |
NIT- Agartala | Tokunbo Ogunfunmi, Prof. EE, Director SPRL, SCU | Designing Smart Cities based on IOT | 11-12-2017 | 09:30 AM | 6:00 Hrs | 5 days GIAN course from 11.12.2017 to 15.12.2017 on Designing Smart Cities based on |
Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark | |
NIT- Jalandhar | Prof. P. M. Dixit (PMD) and Prof. U.S. Dixit | Introduction to modelling issues in metal forming and machining (USD) | 17-07-2017 | 10:00 AM | 5:00 Hrs | Short-Term course on MODELLING OF METAL FORMING AND MACHINING PROCESS 17th - 22nd July 2017, by Industrial & Production Engineering, at NIT Jalandhar (VCR-91197471) |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
IIT- Roorkee | Prof. H. Joshi & Dr. Fabio Masi (IRIDRA, Italy) | GIAN: GREEN WATER INFRASTRUCTURE II- INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT | 29-05-2017 | 09:30 AM | 8:30 Hrs | 12 days course under GIAN at IIT Roorkee VCR (91197293) on "GREEN WATER INFRASTRUCTURE II- INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT " which is being organized from 29th May-9th June 2017 by Department of Hydrology IIT Roorkee on 03/04/2017 starting from 09:30 AM IST to 06:00PM IST. |
Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark | |
NIT- Jalandhar | A K Choudhary | "Recent Advancements in Apparel Production and Quality (RAAPQ)" | 29-03-2017 | 10:00 AM | 7:00 Hrs | NIT Jalandhar are going to organize two days Symposium on "Recent Advancements in Apparel Production and Quality (RAAPQ)" on 29th - 30th March 2017. |
Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark | |
NIT- Jalandhar | Dr Genevieve Dauphin Tanguy | DYNAMIC MODELLING AND SIMULA TION OF MUL TI-PHYSICS SYSTEMS USING BOND GRAPH | 01-12-2016 | 09:30 AM | 6:00 Hrs | 10 days course GIAN under MHRD Hosted at NIT Jalandhar VCR (91197471) from Nov 28 to Dec 07, 2016 organized by department of Mechanical Engineering. |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
NIT- Jalandhar | (Dr) Ajay Mishra Professor Univ. of South Africa | Natural Smart Materials for Biomedical Applications | 07-11-2016 | 09:30 AM | 6:00 Hrs | 05 days course under GIAN at NIT Jalandhar VCR (91197471) from 07-11 November, 2016 organized by department of Chemistry. Faculty: Prof. Ajay Mishra, Sourth Africa, (Dr) Bhuvnesh Gupta IIT Delhi will be hosted at NIT- Jalandhar VCR, NIT- Jalandhar, Punjab on 07/11/2016 starting from 09:30 AM for 6 Hrs on Natural Smart Materials for Biomedical Applications |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
NIT- Raipur | Dr.Konstantinos Alketas Oungrinis | GIAN : Transformable Architecture | 26-09-2016 | 02:00 PM | 3:00 Hrs | Second workshop under - GIAN : Transformable Architecture |
Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark | |
NIT- Jalandhar | Dr Arvind Bhardwaj | "Operations & Supply Chain Management" | 05-09-2016 | 10:00 AM | 7:00 Hrs | Department of Industrial & Production Engineering organized a Short Term Course on "Operations & Supply Chain Management" (5th to 9th Sept, 2016) in VCR (91197471) at NIT Jalandhar |
Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark | |
NIT- Jalandhar | Dr. Abhinav Pratap Singh | Recent advances in Nanostructured Materials | 19-09-2016 | 10:00 AM | 7:00 Hrs | Short Term Course on dated 19/09/2016 to 23/09/2016 by Department of Physics |
Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark | |
NIT- Jalandhar | Harsh Manchanda | Advances in Material Sciences and Material Engineering | 08-08-2016 | 10:00 AM | 7:00 Hrs | Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics, Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar is organizing Short Term Course on "Advances in Material Sciences and Material Engineering during August 08-14, 2016 (one week duration). |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
IISER- Bhopal | Professor Dr. Burkhard König | Visible Light Photoredox Catalysis towards Sustainable Future | 22-08-2016 | 11:00 AM | 2:00 Hrs | Module A-Basic concept in photophysic,classic reactions in photochemistry Lecture 1-Basic concept in photophysics Lecture- |
Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark | |
NIT- Jalandhar | S. Rajendran, United Kingdom | Medical Textiles and Tissue Engineering | 20-07-2016 | 09:30 AM | 8:00 Hrs | 10 days course under GIAN at NIT Jalandhar VCR (91197471) from 20-30 July, 2016 organized by Department of Textile Technology. Faculty: Prof. Rajendran, United Kingdom. |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
NIT- Agartala | Dr. Anjan Nan, University of Maryland | Nanomedicine: Applications, Challenges and Perspectives | 28-03-2016 | 10:00 AM | 5:00 Hrs | For full details of registration pls email to or Dr. Tridib Kumar Bhowmick & Dr. Sreerup Banerjee Bio Engg Dept NIT Agartala |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
IIT- Roorkee | Prof Peter Macfarlane, University of Glasgow | Global Initiative of Academic Networks(GIAN) | 23-02-2016 | 03:00 PM | 5:00 Hrs | 1) Executives, engineers and researchers from manufacturing, service and government organizations including R&D laboratories, hospitals & medical institutes. 2) Students at all levels (BTech/MSc/MTech/PhD/medical) 3) Faculty from reputed academic institutions, medical and technical institutions. |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
President of India | SHRI PRANAB MUKHERJEE | The President will be addressing the students and faculty members of the central universities, IITs, | 19-01-2016 | 12:30 PM | 1:30 Hrs | The President will be addressing the students and faculty members of the central universities, IITs, NITs & other institutes of higher learning through Video Conference using NKN on Tuesday, the 19th January, 2016 at 1230 hrs. |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
NIT- Agartala | Dr. Bikash. C. Pal | Stability modeling and analysis of power system including large renewable energy sources Overview | 06-01-2016 | 10:00 AM | 2:30 Hrs | Stability modeling and analysis of power system including large renewable energy sources Overview under GIAN by Dr. Bikash. C. Pal of Imperial College, London. |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
NIT- Jalandhar | Dr. Rohit Mehra | Open house viva-voce examination of Ph D Research Scholar Ms Jyoti Bharj | 26-11-2015 | 09:30 AM | 1:15 Hrs | Open house viva-voce examination of Ph D Research Scholar Ms Jyoti Bharj of this department will be conducted on 26 November, 2015, Synthesis & Characterization of multivolt carbon nanotubes using non-catalytic open diffusion flame synthesis method |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
NIT- Jalandhar | Harcharan Singh Ranu | Contribution to Orthopaedic Biomechanics | 01-10-2015 | 11:30 AM | 2:00 Hrs | President, American Orthopaedic Biomechanics Research Institute, Atlanta. |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
NIT- Raipur | Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, Dr. Deepak Joshi, Shri Sachin | Research institution/ Industrial Expert Lecture series 2015 | 27-03-2015 | 10:30 AM | 4:30 Hrs | Biomedical Circuit Design, Emerging Technical and social trends in limb prosthesis, Mobile App innovation in Indian healthcare. |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
NIT- Raipur | Shri. Bodhisattva Sensarma | Expert Talk | 10-03-2015 | 10:30 AM | 2:00 Hrs | Imaging modalities in Biomedical Engineering |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
MNIT-Jaipur | Vinod Kumar | Advanced Mobile Communication System | 16-02-2015 | 03:00 PM | 2:00 Hrs | Mobile Communication:3GPP Technologies,HPSA 3.5G,LTE and LTE A(4G) PHY,MAC,RLC and Mobility Management |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
President of India | Shri Pranab Mukherjee | Hon'ble President of India's address over Videoconference | 19-01-2015 | 12:30 PM | 2:00 Hrs | Hon'ble President of India's address over Videoconference through NKN to the students and faculty members of Central Universities / funded Institutions on 19th January 2015. |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
NIT- Jalandhar | Dr A K Jain | Recent Trends in Instrumentation and Control Engineering | 08-12-2014 | 09:30 AM | 8:00 Hrs | Short Term Course on RTICE-2014 during December 8-12, 2014 |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
IIT- Bhubaneshwar | Dr.Prasant Kumar Sahu | MPDWC-2014 | 05-12-2014 | 09:30 AM | 4:00 Hrs | A Short term course on MICROWAVE,PHOTONICS,DEVICES & WIRELESS COMMUNICATION (MPDWC-2014) To join this event please dial our MCU no 91197341 |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
NIT- Raipur | Dr. Dhurjati Majumdar, Dr. Vamsi krishna Balla | Research Institution & Industry expert lecture | 23-09-2014 | 10:00 AM | 3:00 Hrs | 1. Ergonomics and Design 2. Cognitive Ergonomics and onscreen information processing 3.Gait Analysis and Its application in Biomedical Engineering 4. Modern manufacturing methodology for designing of implants. |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
NIT- Raipur | Dr. himardri Chattopadhya, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mishra | NWRTB-14 | 11-09-2014 | 09:30 AM | 8:30 Hrs | Workshop on Recent Trends in the field of Bio mechanics: Application to Device Development and Surgery Issues from 11th Sep 2014 to 13 Sep 2014 |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
NIT- Raipur | Member's of LA SALLE,BURO DAP AND CET | INDIA 2014 | 16-04-2014 | 01:00 PM | 5:00 Hrs | Academic workshop for Civil and Architecture Department by LA SALLE UNIVERSITY Bogota Colombia,CET and BURO DAP |

Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
NIT- Raipur | Dr.Ekta khandelwal,AIIms Raipur CG | Role of research in bio-medical engineering. | 04-04-2014 | 03:00 PM | 2:00 Hrs | All the interested faculty member are invited to attend the expert lecture on the above mention date and time. |
Institute | Professor | Subject | Date | Start Time | Duration | Remark |
IIT- Madras | Prof.Doble Mukesh | DC MEETING | 25/03/2014 | 01:45 PM | 4:15 Hrs | Department of Biotechnology dc Meeting |