- Summer Internship Program in Electrical Engineering (SIPEE-2019).
- Self-financed Summer Training Program in Biotechnology (STPB-2019) during May 28- June 27, 2019 Department of Biotechnology MNNIT Allahabad-Prayagraj.
- 6 Weeks self-financed summer training programme for students on "Enriching Project Management Skills for Contemporary Business” scheduled from June 3 to July 13, 2019. [Registration Form]
- A Four Week Self-Financed Summer Training cum Internship Programme in Geoinformatics & Civil Engineering (STIPGCE-2019) [Registration Form ]
- Self-Financed Short Term Internship Programme on “Evolving Concepts in Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings” [Design -2019] being organized in the department during June 3- 28, 2019. [Click Here for Registration]
- Workshop-cum-Training Program - 2019 On Recent Trends in Computer Science (10th June - 5th July 2019) by Computer Science and Engineering Department. [Poster] [Registration Form]
A self-financed summer training program (7th June - 4th July 2019) On Enhancing Skill for Enterprise Scale Application Development ((ES)2AD) -2019. (Through Core Java, Advanced Java, Design patterns, Frameworks and Web Design) by Computer Science and Engineering Department. [Advertisement ] [Brochure] [Registration Form] [PDF][DOC]
- A Self-financed summer training program (10th June - 5th July, 2019) on “Data Driven Computing and Networking” by Department of Computer Science & Engineering. [Flyer/Poster]
- Self sponsored summer Training cum Internship Programme in Civil Engineering (STIPCE-2019) to be held from 10th June to 05th of July, 2019. [Brochure] [Registration Form] [Registartion Date Extended Till 7th June 2019]]
- A Self-financed summer training program (10th June - 6th July, 2019) on “Learning Python Applications Development for Industrial Projects (LPADIP-2019)” (Through Core and Advanced Python, Machine Learning using Python, Web Applications, Data Analytics, and Internet of Things) by Department of Computer Science & Engineering. [REGISTRATION IS CLOSED .]
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Shortlisted Participants For Summer Training program, LPADIP-2019 - One Month Self Financed Summer Training Program on VLSI Design and Embedded System “VDES-2019” during 13th June 2019 - 12th July 2019 offered by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad (Last date for receipt of applications is now extended to 30 May 2019).
Design of Water Retaining Structure (DWRS-2018) which is going to be organized on September 24–28, 2018, by Civil Engineering Department.
A Workshop cum Summer Training Programme On Research Aspects in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (RACBE-2018) May 28-July 11, 2018.
VLSI Design & Embedded Systems (VDES-2018) from 13th June 2018 to 12th July 2018 . [Advertisment ] [Registration From ]
"Summer Internship Program in Electrical Engineering (SIPEE) - 2018." Registration form [DOC] [PDF]
A self-financed summer training program (7thJune to 4thJuly 2018) On Enhancing Skill for Enterprise Scale Application Development ((ES)2AD) -2018. (Through Core Java, Advanced Java, Design patterns, Frameworks and Web Design) by Computer Science and Engineering Department.
[Advertisement ] [Brochure] [Registration Closed for this Year]archive
A Self-financed summer training program (11th June to 6th July, 2018) on “Learning Python Applications Development for Industrial Projects (LPADIP-2018)” (Through Core and Advanced Python, Machine Learning using Python, Web Applications, Data Analytics, and Internet of Things) by Department of Computer Science & Engineering. [Registration Closed] [List of shortlisted candidates]
[Advertisement] [Brochure] [Registration From] [PDF][DOC]
Advertisement for SPCS-2018 with extended last date of receipt of the application form from May 22, 2018 to May 31, 2018. [Registration Form ]
"One Month Summer Training Program in Biotechnology: STPB-2018" From 28th May to 24th June 2018.
[ETCS - 2018] A 4- week Self - financed Summer Training Program on "Emerging Trends in Computer Science" @ CSED from 11th June – 7th July 2018. [Flyer] [Advertisement] [Registration Form] for more information click here. Last Date is Extended up June 7, 2018.
4 Weeks Self financed Summer Training Program on Emerging Trends in Computer Science (ETCS-2017) from 12th June – 7th July 2017.
[Flyer] [Advertisements ]Registration is closed. Click here to view list of registered condidates.
One month duration self-financed summer training program on “VLSI Design and Embedded System (VDES-2017)” during 14th June to 15th July 2017. [Advertisement ] [Application Form] [ Shortlisted candidates of VDES-2017]
A self-financed summer training program (9th June to 6th July 2017) On Enhancing Skill for Enterprise Scale Application Development ((ES)2AD) -2017. (Through Core Java, Advanced Java, Design patterns, Frameworks and Web Design) by Computer Science and Engineering Department.
[ Advertisement ] [Brochure] [Registration Closed for this Year]
"Self sponsored summer Training cum Internship Programme in Civil Engineering (STIPCE-2017)" to be held from 12th June to 08th of July, 2017. [Registration Closed ]
List of registered candidate in ETCS-2016
List of Shortlisted candidates for Short Term Summer Training Programme on VLSI Design & Embedded Systems (VDES-2016)
"Self sponsored summer Training cum Internship Programme in Civil Engineering (STIPCE-2016)" to be held from 13th June to 10th of July, 2016.[REGISTRATION FORM]

Self-financed Summer Training Program (13 June to 9th July 2016) on
"EMERGING TRENDS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE" - ETCS 2016 (Last date for registration 31st May 2016 7th June 2016) (Registration Closed). For more details kindly click here...
[ Advertisement ] [Registration Form ][Brochure]
A self-financed summer training program (20th June to 16th July 2016) On Enhancing Skill for Enterprise Scale Application Development ((ES)2AD) -2016. (Through Core Java, Advanced Java & Design patterns and Frameworks) by Computer Science and Engineering Department.(Registration Closed)
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List of candidates shortlisted for "Summer Training Program VDES-2015".
Short-term training program on “VLSI Design and Embedded Systems” (VDES-2015).Application Date is extended from 22/05/2015 (earlier) to 30/05/2015. [Advertisment] [Form]