List of Screened Candidates against Advertisement No. 02/2018, dated August 07, 2018 (Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis). [List of ELIGIBLE Candidates] [List of NOT ELIGIBLE Candidates]
Advertisement No. 03/2018, dated September 10, 2018 Recruitment for Non-Faculty Positions on Contract basis for Systems Administrator and Network Assistant in the Computer Centre of the Institute. [Online Application]
Advertisement No. 02/2018, dated August 07, 2018 Recruitment for various Non-Faculty Positions on Contract basis. [Online Application]
Notice regarding cancellation for the post of Technical Assistant/ Junior Engineer/ SAS Assistant and Technician/ Laboratory Assistant/ Work Assistant against Advertisement No. 03/2014, dated February 28, 2014. [Fee Refund Form]
Notice regarding cancellation of Advertisement No. 08/2015, dated November 02, 2015. [Fee Refund Form]
Recruitment Rules for Non – Teaching posts in National Institutes of Technology (NIT)
List of Screened Candidates for the Post of Registrar against Advertisement No. 03/2016, dated July 22, 2016 [ELIGIBLE] [NOT ELIGIBLE].

Advertisement for the post of Office Staff in the office of MNNIT Alumni AssociationAdvertisement for the post of Office Staff in the office of MNNIT Alumni Association. [PDF] [DOC]
List of Screened Candidates for the Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis against advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017:-
List of Shortlisted Candidates and Schedule for Personal Interview against advertisement No. 01/2016, dated February 25, 2016, for the following Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis -
E- Junior Engineer [ELECTRICAL]
(Application Form & Summary Sheet- [PDF], [DOC])
Advertisement for the post of Account Assistants.
List of Shortlisted Candidates and Schedule for Personal Interview against advertisement No. 08/2015, dated November 02, 2015, for the following Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis -
A- Internal Auditor
B- Technical Manpower in Centre for Interdisciplinary Research [CIR]
C- Technical Officer in Centre for Interdisciplinary Research [CIR]
Written Test and Interview against advertisement No. 07/2015, dated October 14, 2015, Special Recruitment Drive for filling up of Backlog Vacancies under Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Category in respect of Non-Faculty Posts -
1. Technical Assistant (SG-II), AEE, SAS Assistant (SG-II) – OH
(a) Roll Number wise List of Shortlisted Candidate
(b) Duplicate Call Letter
(c) Flow Chart for Selection Process
2. Superintendent / Accountant – [VH]
(a) Roll Number wise List of Shortlisted Candidate
(b) Duplicate Call Letter
(c) Flow Chart for Selection Process
3. Sr. Assistant – [HH]
(a) Roll Number wise List of Shortlisted Candidate
(b) Duplicate Call Letter
(c) Flow Chart for Selection Process
4. Sr. Technician, Sr. Lab Assistant, Sr. Work Assistant – [OH]
(a) Roll Number wise List of Shortlisted Candidate
(b) Duplicate Call Letter
(c) Flow Chart for Selection Process
List of Screened candidates against advertisement No. 07/2015, dated October 14, 2015, Special Recruitment Drive for filling up of Backlog Vacancies under Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Category in respect of Non-Faculty Posts -
2. List of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Technical Assistant (SG-II), AEE, SAS Assistant – OH
3. List of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Sr. TA / AE / Sr. SAS Assistant – [HH]
4. List of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Superintendent / Accountant – [VH]
6. List of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Sr. Assistant – [HH]
Corrigendum : Recruitment for various Non-faculty Posts on Regular and Contract basis
List of candidates for Interview for the post of
Office Assistant (on contract) [Click Here for interview on 21st Nov. 2015 & Click Here for interview on 22nd Nov. 2015]
against the Advertisement No. 01/2015 dated 29/09/2015 for Office of the Dean (Research & Consultancy)
Schedule of Interview for the post of Junior Assistant.
Proforma for Call Letter of the Computer Test/Written Test for post of Junior Assistant.
Schedule for the Computer Test/Written Test for post of Junior Assistant
Recruitment for various Non-faculty Posts on Regular and Contract basis
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Account Assistant (on contract)
Schedule for the Computer Test/Written Test/Interview for post of Junior Assistant
अनुकम्पा के आधार पर संस्थान में वर्ग 'ग' के पदों पर नियुक्ति की प्रस्तावना
List of screened candidates on the basis of screening test against advertisement No. 03 /2014, dated February 28, 2014
3. List of screened candidates on the basis of Screening Test for the post of Junior Assistant
Revised list of Shortlisted Candidates for Recruitment for the post of Technician/ Laboratory Assistant/ Work Assistant, Technical Assistant/ Junior Engineer/ SAS Assistant and Junior Assistant against advertisement No. 03 /2014, dated February 28, 2014
1.Technician/ Laboratory Assistant/ Work Assistant
- Revised list of Shortlisted Candidates.
- Duplicate Call letter for Written Test.
- Revised Flow Chart for Selection Process.
- Roll No. wise list of Shortlisted Candidates.
2.Technical Assistant/ Junior Engineer/ SAS Assistant
- Revised list of Shortlisted Candidates.
- Duplicate Call letter for Written Test.
- Revised Flow Chart for Selection Process.
- Roll No. wise list of Shortlisted Candidates.
3.Junior Assistant
- Revised list of Shortlisted Candidates.
- Duplicate Call letter for Written Test.
- Revised Flow Chart for Selection Process.
- Roll No. wise list of Shortlisted Candidates.
Notice for reschedule of the Interview dated 19.08.2015 and 20.08.2015 [Technical Manpower (ECED, MED) and Computer Skilled Manpower (TEQIP)] against advertisement No. 04 /2015, dated May 21, 2015. Notice for reschedule of the Interview dated 19.08.2015 and 20.08.2015 [Technical Manpower (ECED, MED) and Computer Skilled Manpower (TEQIP)] against advertisement No. 04 /2015, dated May 21, 2015.
Corrigendum advertisement for Recruitment of Part Time General Duty Doctors [Modern Medicine, Homeopathic, Ayurvedic & Dentist], Part Time Specialist Doctors[ Cardiologist, Gynecologist, Skin Specialist, Ophthalmologist, Orthopedic Surgeon, ENT Surgeon, Pediatrician, Neuro-Physician, / Psychiatrist, Pathologist, Physician], Physiotherapist and Clinical Psychologist for the Institute Health Centre on purely contract basis through Walk-in-Interview
Recruitment of Part Time General Duty Doctors [Modern Medicine, Homeopathic, Ayurvedic & Dentist], Part Time Specialist Doctors[ Cardiologist, Gynecologist, Skin Specialist, Ophthalmologist, Orthopedic Surgeon, ENT Surgeon, Pediatrician, Neuro-Physician, / Psychiatrist, Pathologist, Physician], Physiotherapist and Clinical Psychologist for the Institute Health Centre on purely contract basis through Walk-in-Interview.
Advertisement for Appointment of Chartered Accountant Firm.
Shortlisted Candidates: Written Test for the post of Assistant Librarian.
Shortlisted Candidates: Written Test for the post of Superintendent /Accountant.
List of Shortlisted Candidates for Recruitment of Non-Faculty Posts [Junior Assistant, Technical Assistant/ Junior Engineer/ SAS Assistant and Technician/ Laboratory Assistant/ Work Assistant] against advertisement No. 03 /2014, dated February 28, 2014.
2. Technical Assistant/ Junior Engineer/ SAS Assistant.
3. Technician/ Laboratory Assistant/ Work Assistant
Admit Card and Roll Number WiseList of Shortlisted Candidates for Recruitment of Non-Faculty Posts [Assistant Librarian, Superintendent/Accountant and Stenographer]against advertisement No. 03 /2014, dated February 28, 2014
1. Roll Number Wise List of Shortlisted Candidates: Assistant Librarian
Admit Card: Assistant Librarian
2. Roll Number Wise List of Shortlisted Candidates: Superintendent/Accountant
Admit Card: Superintendent / Accountant
3. Roll Number Wise List of Shortlisted Candidates: Stenographer
List of Shortlisted Candidates for Recruitment for the post of Senior Medical Officer against advertisement No. 09 /2013, dated July 31, 2013 and Recruitment of Non-Faculty Posts [Assistant Librarian/ Senior Scientific / Technical Officer/ Executive Engineer/ Superintendent & Accountant/ Stenographer]against advertisement No. 03 /2014, dated February 28, 2014
3. Senior Scientific / Technical Officer
5. Superintendent & Accountant
6. Stenographer
- Corrigendum : Recruitment of Full time Medical Officers/Internal Auditors/Legal Assistants/ Horticulture Assistants /Technical Manpower/Academic Support Staff and Computer Skilled Manpower for TEQIP-II on purely contract basis for various departments/ sections of the Institute against advertisement No. 04 /2015, dated May 21, 2015.
Recruitment of Full-Time Medical Officers/ Internal Auditors/ Legal Assistants/ Horticulture Assistants /Technical Manpowers/ Academic Support Staff and Security Assistant on purely Contract basis for various departments/ sections of the Institute.
- Recruitment for Part-Time Trainers/Coaches [Basketball, Lawn-Tennis & Taekwondo, Karate Badminton, Table Tennis, Football, Cricket, Volley ball, Gym Trainer, Music, Dramatics] and Part-Time Yoga Instructor on purely Contract basis on purely Contract basis through Walk-In-Interview.
- Advertisement for recruitment for Hindi Translator on purely Contract Basis.
- Recruitment of Technical Manpower and Lab Assistant on purely Contract basis.
- Advertisement for the Chartered Accountant Firm in Office the the Dean (R&C)
- List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Assistant Registrars is as per roll number who have qualified in the written test (Section ‘A’)
Advertisement of the following position
1. Officer- Institute Industry Interaction Cell under TEQIP-II
- Flow Chart for Selection Process for Recruitment of Assistant Registrar
- Advertisement for Appointment of Chartered Accountant Firm
- Important Instructions for candidates for written test for the post of Assistant Registrar
- Written Test for the post of Assistant Registrar.
- Last date Extended of Advertisement for Appointment of Chartered Accountant Firm in Office of the Dean (R&C).
- Recruitment for Scientific Officer /Project Coordinator on purely Contract basis
- Recruitment Rules for Non – Teaching posts in National Institutes of Technology (NITs)
- "Advertisement for Appointment of Chartered Accountant Firm in Office of the Dean (R&C)"
- Advertisement and application format for the Post of Account Assistants and Office Assistants (on contract) for Office
- Recruitment of Executive Development Centre, Executive; Office Assistant, EDC; Technical Manpower and Lab Assistant on purely Contract basis.
- Recruitment of Engineers [Project Engineers (Civil /Electrical)] and Project Supervisors [Junior Engineers [Civil/ Electrical)] on purely Contract Basis through Walk-in-interview.
- Corrigendum : Advertisement No. 06 /2014, dated July 03, 2014 Walk-In-Interview for Part-Time Trainers/Coaches [Basketball, Lawn-Tennis, Taekwondo, Karate Badminton, Table Tennis, Football, Cricket, Volley ball, Gym Trainer] on purely Contract basis
- Recruitment of Part-Time Trainers/Coaches [Basketball, Lawn-Tennis & Taekwondo, Karate, Badminton, Table Tennis, Football, Cricket, Volley ball, Gym Trainer, Music, Dramatics] and Part-Time Yoga Instructor on purely Contract basis through Walk-In-Interview
- Walk-In-Interview for Horticulture Assistant, Legal Assistant and Internal Auditor on purely Contract Basis
- Walk In-interview for Security Assistant in the Institute on purely Contract Basis.